Vision, strategy and HR Management. Tools, training, consulting to have the best solutions for recruiting, developing and managing talent.
Innovative and powerful solutions to prepare talents and leaders to achieve high and sustainable performance in a complex and uncertain environment.
Relevant diagnoses to succeed together in organizational and cultural transformations in the digital age. High expertise for HR, cross-functional roles and crises.
Your vision is our starting point to develop powerful and personalized solutions. We help you surpass yourself and dare your vision.
In this exploration, mutual trust is essential to achieve a strong impact as quickly as possible - especially in complex and uncertain situations.
Our experts have a direct, transparent and authentic approach.
We not only offer high-performance but also innovative solutions that are in tune with our times.
Our firm is also a true leadership laboratory. We are a team of experts who venture into unusual areas.
“Performance, kindness and discomfort combined can produce miracles.”
Daniel Held
Benefit from the most powerful tools and solutions in the world for:
- Recruit talent (Hire)
- Develop talents (Build)
- Manage talents (Lead)
Also to provide fast, relevant, reliable analyzes to succeed transformation by integrating the "hard" & the "soft".
Innovative and powerful solutions to prepare talents and leaders to achieve high but sustainable performance through commitment, competence, cooperation and effectively managing change in a complex and uncertain environment.
Our approaches include the evaluation phase (assessment, development center, individual assessments), development (curricula; specific sessions, workshops, coaching) and the training of manager-coaches, to support the process.
PIman helps you define what you want to achieve together, within a given framework, developing a powerful and stimulating vision that meets the expectations of all stakeholders and defining together the best path to achieve this vision.
Our approaches make it possible to align strategy and leadership, to enhance talent, to succeed in mergers & acquisitions (leadership, culture) and to
empower cross-functional roles.